Resi Media Launches Livestream Innovations to Enable More Seamless Connections in the Church

The new Resi Mini Encoder and QRclick™ empower ministry leaders to deliver a more dynamic and engaging experience for their community, from anywhere

Resi, an end-to-end solution for online and multisite video streaming, launches its new Resi Mini Encoder, a powerful, portable and affordable hardware option that empowers churches to broadcast their full worship service or stream while on the go, without compromising quality or resilience. The company also announces QRclick, which transforms every livestream into an opportunity for real-time engagement by changing the way people interact and connect with on screen QR codes.

The Resi Mini Encoder packs the formidable capabilities of Resi’s industry-leading software and powerful Resilient Streaming Protocol (RSP) into a compact hardware design small enough to fit in a backpack. Its portable size provides a versatile solution for mobile churches, youth rooms, traveling speakers, and more, making high-quality encoding more affordable and accessible than ever before.

“There’s really nothing like this in the market today. Set up is super fast—all I need is a camera and the Resi Mini and I’m ready to go,” said Aaron Kraniak, Global Director of Worship at V1 Church.This really lowers the barrier of entry, especially for small churches. Our pastors are also excited about the potential to use this for staff meetings, which opens up a lot of possibilities for our ministry team.”

The new Resi Mini Encoder is $699.99 and complements the company’s existing hardware solutions, including server-grade encoders, and server-grade decoders—all of which support a diverse range of needs for churches as they grow their ministry. 

Resi also introduces QRclick, enabling seamless engagement with just a click. The new feature allows embedded QR codes to be detected during a livestream and made clickable so that viewers can engage during an event without the need for a companion device. With almost 70% of viewers watching online videos on mobile devices, this one-click experience ensures that important calls-to-action within a livestream–such as joining a small group, giving a donation, or filling out a connection card–can be shared with church members in real-time to fuel engagement. 

QR code trends rose to prominence during the pandemic, supporting efforts to respond to the desire for a more contactless economy. Usage has remained steady with consumers embracing the opportunity to leverage QR codes as a means of convenience. 

“In a world where digital-first remains a need in the faith sector, Resi continues to innovate on our leading technology so that churches can seamlessly share their message and reach their community from wherever they are in the world,” said Matt Smith, Senior Vice President of Technology at Resi. “Today’s product innovations help make church more accessible than ever before, while also strengthening opportunities for deeper community connection.”

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