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Where Should Churches Stream Their Services

The Problem: Ready, Fire, Aim… or Omni-Channel 101 In today’s world, it’s uncommon to stumble upon a church that doesn’t provide an online avenue for engaging with its services. Once churches embraced livestream technology, the next question arose naturally: “Where should we broadcast our church services?” To which most churches replied, “Everywhere.” In marketing terms, …

5 Things to Stream Other than Church Services

Through streaming, churches like yours can access a powerful tool that can effectively disciple the people you’re already connected with and help you reach new people.  But livestreaming church services is just the tip of the iceberg. Using the same technology, churches can create other intimate, relational, and simpler ways to engage with people online. …

The Power of Digital Evangelism: Reaching a Global Audience with Livestreaming

Arguably, the largest mission field on planet Earth is the digital one. Churches, organizations, and individuals have an immense opportunity to share Jesus online. The idea of digital evangelism is not a new concept. Organizations like Global Media Outreach and the Billy Graham Evangelical Organization create ad campaigns globally to connect with individuals who don’t …

3 Factors That Set Digitally Resilient Churches Apart

Lackadaisical attendance, a drop in giving, disenfranchised younger generations—the Church faces daunting struggles weekly, the weight of which can feel overwhelming.  With so much pressure, how does the church overcome? First, some good news. According to Pushpay’s 2024 State of Church Tech Report, 91% of churches like yours stream church services online. This is a …

How to Avoid Burnout as a Church Media Director

You’re a church techie. You love your church and its vision and direction. You’re passionate about the one hour on Sunday and want to maximize the 167 hours in between to make sure each Sunday experience is done with excellence. You are the definition of FILO (first in, last out), and you wear that badge …

7 Tasks Resi On Demand Can (Finally) Free Up Time For

With so many details going into every Sunday, live production for churches is a weekend sprint. Let’s be honest, church services can be exhausting (as evidenced by your coma-like nap on Sunday afternoon). But, more than a sprint, it’s a marathon… with church services coming every Sunday at 9 am, it can be overwhelming knowing …

Bridging the Gap: Utilizing Technology to Build Church Community

Why should your church utilize technology to build a digital community? Biblically, the church of Acts met “daily in the temple courts… to break bread from house to house, sharing meals with gladness and sincerity of heart” (Acts 2:46). While we don’t often see daily relationships in physical churches today, digital gets us to the …

5 Things You Can Do To Make Your Easter Online Service Awesome

Can you believe it? Easter is upon us! Hopefully Easter prep is in full swing at your church. Marketing campaigns, social media posts, stage designs, worship sets…a lot of hype goes into Easter planning (and execution) at churches around the country.  Prayerfully, Easter goes incredible for your church… but what can you do to make …