How to Prepare for (& Combat) Common Church Livestreaming Issues

Livestreaming services can often face numerous disruptions. From internet drops to audio problems, these issues can be frustrating for both the church and its viewers. Those relying on these broadcasts for their spiritual growth may feel disconnected during such interruptions. It’s crucial for churches to be prepared to handle these common issues. By anticipating potential …

Get Professional Church Livestreaming On a Budget

Over the last few years, livestreaming has become an essential tool for churches. It serves the dual purpose of connecting churches with their congregations and broadening their outreach beyond physical walls. Yet, the misconception that professional-quality church livestreaming necessitates a substantial budget often deters smaller churches from pursuing this option.  The encouraging news is that …

Bridging the Gap: Utilizing Technology to Build Church Community

Why should your church utilize technology to build a digital community? Biblically, the church of Acts met “daily in the temple courts… to break bread from house to house, sharing meals with gladness and sincerity of heart” (Acts 2:46). While we don’t often see daily relationships in physical churches today, digital gets us to the …