How to Maximize Live Stream Engagement At Your Church

Most churches today recognize the benefit of live streaming their services, see how it’s creating new avenues for engagement, and are actively seeking out ways to refine and maximize these platforms’ effectiveness for ministry.  Let’s explore some strategies around improving your church’s live streaming engagement and getting more views each week. Why You Need a …

How to Add Closed Captioning to Your Church Service Livestream

Adding closed captioning to your church livestream is an easy way to enhance your church’s streaming experience.  Over the last few years, church livestreams have gone from nonexistent to full-blown productions, with volunteers and staff managing lighting, cameras, microphones, and more. Adding subtitles to your church livestream is a simple, but powerful way to create an …

Church Livestreaming Analytics To Pay Attention To

By investing in church livestreaming and taking a closer look at your church stream analytics, you can connect better with your congregation and build a strong future for your ministry. Follow along as we cover the top three reasons your church should pay attention to livestreaming analytics, including what livestreaming analytics are, why they’re important, …

The Hybrid Church Model: Creating a Digital Church Experience

Today, every church should be, in part, a hybrid church. Creating an engaging digital church experience is as integral as a physical church building is for growing a strong and robust culture within your ministry. Between your staff, music, events, and communal bonding, in-person and online visitors alike should arrive excited and ready to worship. …

How to Distribute Your Church’s Livestreaming Budget

Distributing your church livestreaming budget can be a stressful process. Between choosing the right investments, trying to cut costs, and strategizing for the future, it can be easy to accidentally put funding in the wrong areas. So to help you avoid total budget catastrophe, we’re covering how to successfully divide your church live streaming budget …

Switching Streaming Providers: Simple or Stressful?

We’ve all heard about the nightmare of switching streaming providers. Between endless calls to customer service, confusing contracts that leave you disappointed, or the frightening possibility of being double-billed, it’s no wonder why organizations avoid this process like the plague! But what if we told you that changing your provider could be as easy as …

Streaming Remote in Rural Alaska With Resi

Alliance Christian Fellowship (ACF) Church is a unique organization that showcases just how incredible of a tool technology can be. Based in the remote town of Eagle River, Alaska (about 12 miles from Anchorage), the ACF congregation regularly fluctuates in size. This fact, paired with the town’s remote location and small population (about 30,000 give …