Why Resi?

With Resi’s professional streaming platform and patented technology, you’ll finally experience 100% reliable video streaming—even when your internet goes out.

Patented technology
Powerful Automations
Workflow Flexibility
Proactive Monitoring & Support
Real-Time Analytics
Automated Subtitles
Simulated Live

No internet, no problem.

The Resilient Streaming Protocol (RSP) is the first streaming technology to fully protect against audio and video quality loss during transmission—regardless of network interruptions.

Because RSP guarantees complete and error-free audio and video delivery, it can confidently be used for livestreaming over unpredictable networks.

Learn more about RSP

3 Easy Ways to Stream

A Resi RAY Encoder sitting next to Resi Server-Grade Encoder

Entry & Server-Grade

Hardware Encoders

Incredible device reliability; Resi’s hardware encoders are best for mission-critical applications.

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An Apple iMac running ProPresenter software

ProPresenter Stream

Software Encoder

Bring your own computer and a copy of ProPresenter 7 to livestream with the resiliency of Resi’s platform.

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Upload and Automate

Upload a pre-produced video and schedule it to stream to multiple destinations from Resi’s cloud.

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Hardware + Software

Resi’s hardware encoders and decoders have set a new standard in video delivery reliability. Built to withstand a complete internet outage for minutes at a time without losing content, Resi’s hardware is designed to transmit all video data recorded during the outage once the network connection is reestablished (or a backup connection is provided).

Multisite Platform

Finally, a turnkey streaming solution designed from the ground up to deliver video to remote locations with unprecedented reliability and quality. Welcome to Resi’s revolutionary Multisite video streaming solution.

Learn more about Resi’s Multisite Platform

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