Streaming Remote in Rural Alaska With Resi

Alliance Christian Fellowship (ACF) Church is a unique organization that showcases just how incredible of a tool technology can be. Based in the remote town of Eagle River, Alaska (about 12 miles from Anchorage), the ACF congregation regularly fluctuates in size. This fact, paired with the town’s remote location and small population (about 30,000 give …

Better Than Waffles: Sun Valley Church’s Livestreaming Recipe

Who doesn’t like waffles? If you’re like Mike Work, Executive Creative Pastor at Sun Valley Community Church in Arizona, you view these culinary creations as villains plotting against you and your livestream. Back in the day, the only thing competing with Sunday morning at church was waffles at Sunday brunch. But here’s the thing: it’s not just these …

Changing Broadcast Styles with Church of the City

Church Of The City has been using a traditional ENG type of broadcast style while transforming the Nashville area since 2013 when founding pastor Darren Whitehead planted the first of several locations in and around the ‘Music City.’ An Opportunity to Stream And, like so many organizations, 2020 presented an opportunity for their production team …

Behind The Scenes With Ramsey Live Productions

In 1994, Dave Ramsey stood next to an overhead projector presenting a message of hope. With a room full of 37 people listening and learning, he described a period in his life where unexpected financial turmoil eventually led to Ramsey filing for bankruptcy at the age of 26. Today, far removed from those tumultuous events, …