Maximizing Engagement with "On Demand"

By Sophia Nelson

As our world becomes increasingly digital, engaging with congregants goes beyond the walls of your physical church walls. Video has been (and still is!) on the rise as a way to engage with people, no matter where they are. In 2023, people are watching, on average, 17 hours of online videos per week. 

With the growing demand for video, and the volume of videos churches create, On Demand helps keep everything organized and easy to access. In this blog, we’ll cover the benefits of On Demand, best practices for churches, and we’ll show you how easy it is to get started with the Resi On Demand feature.

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How Resi On Demand Helps

Resi On Demand is a great way to maximize engagement and reach more people in your community. It helps you to organize all of the videos and clips that churches create so they are easy for congregants to find and access.

For your church community:

In today’s fast-paced world, people want (and even expect) to consume information and content on their own time. When you provide them with On Demand, your church community can do just that. Members can revisit a favorite sermon, catch up on a missed service, or explore thought-provoking discussions on-demand, giving them the resources they need to grow their faith at their own pace. 

One of the valuable features of On Demand is its ability to organize videos into playlists, making it easier for viewers to find the content they’re interested in. Churches can categorize videos based on topics, themes, or events, ensuring congregants can easily find what they’re looking for. With playlists, you can create a more engaging experience for your audience and ensure they can easily find the content that matters most to them. 

For the church staff and volunteers:

When people think of their church livestream, they usually only think of the final product they get to view online. What they don’t see are the hours spent planning, producing, editing, uploading, and sharing it so it can be viewed time and time again. Resi On Demand is one tool that makes it easy to engage your congregation, while saving you time. 

Features like Playlists, Autosave to the Library, and Schedule from Saved Videos make storing, organizing, and sharing archived video content easy. And when you use Resi’s Resi On Demand feature, we help you save even more time by transferring the cue markers you make public to your video player, which will be immediately visible on your VOD scrub bar. This feature saves you and your audience time. You won’t need to re-establish cues you’ve already created, and you’ll have streamlined your audience’s experience so they can quickly navigate to the parts they want to watch. It’s just one more way we want to help you save time while still delivering a powerful and engaging experience for your church.

Steps to Create an On Demand Experience

With just three simple steps, you can have a collection of videos to engage your congregation and a process that saves you time.

1. Define Your Goals and Audience

You’ll want to start by clearly defining your goals and audience for your On Demand setup. Those goals might range from inspiring spiritual growth to providing practical resources for everyday life. Once you’ve got clear goals for using On Demand, it’s important to know your audience and what type of content they want to see. Are they looking for Bible studies, podcasts, or tips on living a faithful life? Having those two pieces of information as the foundation for your On Demand environment will help tailor it to your audience’s interests and make it a valuable resource for your church community.

2. Upload Your Content

Now it’s time to gather your files, take a deep breath, and start uploading your content to the library. The good news is you only need to do this bulk upload once! When you add Resi On Demand to your current Resi plan and enable Autosave to Library, your video automatically downloads to your library. So, by the time your livestream is coming to a close, your content is instantly ready to post or share from your library!

3. Organize and manage your content.

After initially uploading all those files, you know firsthand that there is a lot of content there. It could be so easy for viewers to get confused, lost, or just feel overwhelmed as to  where to start. Playlists help you showcase different types of content and group them under themes or topics. Consider creating playlists based on themes, topics, or series. This allows your viewers to easily find and watch related content. And don’t forget to regularly review your library, archiving older content and updating your playlists to keep everything fresh and relevant. 

Empower Your Church Community Today

We’re here to help you build deeper connections in our increasingly digital world. With Resi’s livestreaming and Resi On Demand, it’s easier to connect your community, amplify engagement, and make an impact that resonates beyond the physical walls of your church. 

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Sophia Nelson

Sophia has extensive knowledge on livestreaming technology and a deep understanding on the flourishing relationship between ministry and digital tools. Sophia loves being in nature and spending time with loved ones, making camping one of her favorite pastimes. She hopes that she can offer churches a sense of connection and support through her stories.

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