Making Disciples of All Nation: How to Take Your Live Stream Global

Consider this: How can your church reach the nations without digital tools? While possible, leveraging digital technology is undeniably more cost-effective and scalable. As church leaders, you likely have Matthew 28’s The Great Commission burned into your psyche. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and …

What is IMAG and How to Use It At Your Church

Technology is changing how we experience the world, and church worship services are no exception. To keep up with evolving tech trends, many churches are turning to tools like Image Magnification (IMAG). But what exactly is IMAG? It’s a system that uses live video to project close-up views onto large screens, ensuring that even those …

How to Make Digital Ministry Work at Your Church

Years ago, when I was an online pastor at a church, I talked with the executive pastor. As we were doing sound checks for the weekend service, the executive pastor said, “Jeff, I don’t know how you do this online church thing, and I don’t care. But I love the numbers you’re pulling in. I …

What Are Guests Looking For When They Watch An Online Church Service?

Lifeway has released some fascinating stats regarding visitors and online church services in recent months. One of the most interesting stats to me is that potential guests will watch online church services up to six times before they come to the physical building for that first visit—six times! Why are potential visitors watching so many …

Finding and Equipping Your Tech-Savvy Church Volunteers

We hear it all the time from Pastors. “We’re too busy doing physical ministry to put much energy into online.” And so they will broadcast their online services, which is easy. But leaning into the relational aspects of online, much less the discipleship concepts, even… few churches have taken that step. That being said, I …

How Broadcasting Church Services Live Can Grow Your Physical Congregation

Your online church service is an incredible opportunity to connect with new people! According to Lifeway, some first time guests will watch your online service up to five times before they actually come to the building! But what are people looking for when they’re watching your church service livestream? What elements are people looking for …

How Online Engagement During Church Service Broadcasts Leads to Discipleship

Online engagement, for the church, is the beginning of discipleship. This may seem like a foreign concept, how dialoguing with someone online can lead to discipleship. For many, our conversations in our online service chat rooms, or even in social media, can lead to lifechange. The Engel Scale, created back in 1975, actually details this. …

My Pastor doesn’t believe we can disciple someone digitally. What do I do?

So, you’re broadcasting church services and want to take the next step into digital discipleship. But someone from your leadership, maybe a lead pastor, executive pastor, or even an elder board, doesn’t see the purpose in digital ministry or discipleship. What should you do? Well, right off the bat, you’re not alone. In 2024, we …

How Can Digital Discipleship Help My Physical Church?

Right before COVID, I became the pastor of a struggling church plant. I was a young leader and watched in horror as my weekly attendance fell to nothing. Meanwhile, I watched our church’s streaming numbers climb sky-high. With no end in sight, I seriously remember thinking, “All of this online church stuff is going to …