Church live streaming trends to look out for in 2025

The way churches connect with their congregations has evolved dramatically in recent years, and live streaming is now a crucial part of that outreach. As technology advances and expectations shift, churches must keep up with emerging trends to maintain meaningful engagement. The year 2025 will bring new opportunities to enhance the streaming experience, improve accessibility, …

Tips for live streaming church services internationally

Whether you’re a small church hoping to extend your reach or a large ministry looking to connect with more congregants in real time, live streaming offers a practical solution for modern worship. However, broadcasting church services internationally comes with its own set of challenges. Connectivity issues can disrupt the experience, especially in areas with limited …

How churches can use event live streaming for outreach beyond Sunday

Live streaming is an essential tool for churches aiming to connect with people beyond their Sunday services. With the help of streaming platforms and software, churches can turn events into meaningful opportunities for engagement and outreach. Whether it’s a special service, worship night, or community workshop, live streaming allows you to reach a broader audience, …

Making Disciples of All Nation: How to Take Your Live Stream Global

Consider this: How can your church reach the nations without digital tools? While possible, leveraging digital technology is undeniably more cost-effective and scalable. As church leaders, you likely have Matthew 28’s The Great Commission burned into your psyche. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and …

How to Use Your Church Livestream to Connect With Your Community

You want to use your church’s livestream to connect with new people in your community. That’s a great idea. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution. The best resource your church has is currently sitting in your pews. Lifeway found that teaching pastors spend 8-10 hours preparing weekly sermons. Sadly, all that research and prep time is …

What Are Guests Looking For When They Watch An Online Church Service?

Lifeway has released some fascinating stats regarding visitors and online church services in recent months. One of the most interesting stats to me is that potential guests will watch online church services up to six times before they come to the physical building for that first visit—six times! Why are potential visitors watching so many …

How Online Engagement During Church Service Broadcasts Leads to Discipleship

Online engagement, for the church, is the beginning of discipleship. This may seem like a foreign concept, how dialoguing with someone online can lead to discipleship. For many, our conversations in our online service chat rooms, or even in social media, can lead to lifechange. The Engel Scale, created back in 1975, actually details this. …

How to Boost Online Church Attendance and Community Engagement

From a technical perspective, livestreaming church services is relatively easy —especially if you’re using Resi technology. Unfortunately, questions like “Who is watching?” and “What do they want?” aren’t so easy to answer.  However, the answers to those questions are extremely important when trying to figure out how to increase church engagement and attendance online. Your …

How to Maximize Live Stream Engagement At Your Church

Most churches today recognize the benefit of live streaming their services, see how it’s creating new avenues for engagement, and are actively seeking out ways to refine and maximize these platforms’ effectiveness for ministry.  Let’s explore some strategies around improving your church’s live streaming engagement and getting more views each week. Why You Need a …